Today I appeared punctually at the spot ,for the Siddha Awareness Camp that was held at rural area as part of the NSS programme of the nearby Ladies college. Instead of overloading the students with different nuances found in the text of Siddha Medicine ,the basic concepts like Tridosha theory,Panchabootha Pancheekarana,Seven elements,Seven body types was outlined.Then few more minutes was spent on ellucidating these concepts. Finally we arrived at the interesting part of the programme - THE DOSHA QUIZ - all students were given a multiple choice questionnaire with boxes to tick near the appropriate answers.When the students were through with it, they were edified about how to interpret the answers they got on their sheets. Although the best way to analyse a person's constitution is only by pulse diagnosis,this dosha quiz nonetheless served to arouse the curiosity of students about their body type.They all had smiling faces at the end of the programme ,since now they had a nugget of advice about their constitution .
I thanked the students and organisers profusely for providing me this oppurtinity and left the session with the gratification that I was able to impart some knowledge among them in the limited time that was offered.